Title: What Goes Up
Genre: YA Contemporary/Sci-Fi
Author: Katie Kennedy
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication: July 18th 2017
Cover Rating: 4/5
Can you love and hate a book at the same time? I am not sure it is possible but that is the closest I can get to describing how What Goes Up made me feel.
There are 3 main characters, Rose and Eddie are two. I won't say the third because that is kind of a spoiler. Rosa and Eddie are super fun to read about. Rosa has a lot of work ahead of her if she wants to be more revered than her father and Eddie has a lot of work to do if he wants to stay in the program and stay away from his crapstain of a father. These two interact so well together and I loved their dynamics.
For me, the book went back and forth between utterly boring and really entertaining. The beginning of the book is pretty much a bunch of smart kids taking these tests to try to become the two people who will make up the third team of these special astronauts that are trained to handle ALIEN encounters.
In order to be accepted into this prestigious program you have to be able to think on your feet and comprehend things that more people just don't. You have to work together and figure your way out of different situations. Rosa excels at all the normal things but Eddie excels by being drastically different than his other classmates. He thinks outside the box which can end up being good or bad depending on the situation.
It wasn't until all the stuff with Eddie and Grandma happened that the book kind of took a turn for me. It was so hard to read about Eddie getting to have someone back that he had lost. And I am sure it was harder for Grandma knowing that Eddie didn't have anyone back home. It was so interesting seeing how different one place could be if the events of time were just a little bit different. If you bought a candy bar instead of that pack of gum. If someone decided to wear blue pants instead of black.
In the end, I found that, for the majority, I did like this book. I really loved the interactions between the characters the most. I found myself laughing a lot and marking quoted text in the book. I just wish the overall plot would have been a little bit more enthralling. It was really rather boring for a space/alien adventure.
Overall, I gave the book 4/5 stars.
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