Title: Time Bomb
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary/Mystery
Author: Joelle Charbonneau
Publisher: HMH
Publication: March 13th 2018
Cover Rating: 3/5
Reading Format: Provided eARC + Owned Hardback
Time Bomb is the story about a school bombing told through six students' perspectives who are trapped together during and after the explosions. Through the eyes of the six teens, we get to see what exactly each of them was doing at school, as it was the day before school started for the year, and we learn some pretty heavy secrets, too.
Usually, when you get a book or story about a school tragedy it comes in the form of a mass shooting. This book was unique in the fact that not only was the school bombed but there technically wasn't supposed to be anyone in the school when the bombs went off. Those two factors alone would have made an interesting enough plot but this is a Young Adult book so BAM, whoops there were people in the school
The suspense of the story really had me hooked. I couldn't figure out who the bomber was but once it was revealed it was very obvious and I felt pretty stupid. Each of the students had a vendetta of their own and there were really only three of them that I was truly suspecting to be the bomber but still finding out who it really was and their motive behind it was like DUH! How did I not see that?
In the end, If you are looking for a book to read after One of Us is Lying or All Your Twisted Secrets then I highly suggest picking this book up.
Overall, I have the book 4/5 stars.
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