Monday, March 24, 2014

Mini Review Monday[9] The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 3:41 PM

The Fault in Our Stars
John Green

So much hype, so little book. That is how I feel about The Fault In Our Stars.

The book wasn't as dreadful as I found Looking For Alaska to be but it didn't speak to me or touch my heart like thousands of others.

I first read one of John Green's books before they even became over hyped and I found it to be average. Nothing special stood out to me and I quickly forgot about the book. Then, upon joining the blogging/booktubing community I was overwhelmed with all this hype about John Green so I thought I would give his most loved work a chance.

This book was just depressing. And to be quite frank, if you didn't pass Honors English 12 in high school then the entire book was an intellectual slap in the face.

Augustus was a blantant asshole with the way he just threw his meager intelligence around.

Hazel Grace was a whiny self-absorbed brat.

The only plus side to Augustus was the fact that he knew he was going to die and he didn't flaunt it like Hazel did. I also think it was sweet of him to let her has his wish but then he went and slept with her when he knew he was dying. That is horrible!

There honestly isn't much else I can say about this book. It was 300+ pages of two teens cancer stories, death and depression.

Overall, I gave the book 3/5 Mini Kitties. The book itself might not have lived up to the hype but John Green is talanted for the right audiance. 


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