Monday, January 12, 2015

Mini Review Monday[27] We Are the Goldens by Dana Reinhardt

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 1:00 PM

Title: We Are The Goldens
Author: Dana Reinhardt
Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books
Publication: May 27th 2014
Cover Rating: 3/5

This book is written in a way that feels like the main character Nell is writing a letter to her older sister. Moments come up that made me really sad because you could feel the emotion that Nell was putting into this to her sister. Though it is written in this way there was still conversation and I liked that. It was strictly just Nell writing to her sister. 

We don’t know for sure if Nell is actually writing a letter or if it’s a diary entry. It could be either one. Nothing really gets explained much. We have to infer from how it is written if she is writing a letter or not. 

We know that it deals with a secret between sisters and we see what that secret is. The ending I found to be a bit rushed. It really didn't have a conclusion. We don’t know why Nell was telling her sister all these things. You have to infer either she passed away or that she ran away for what Nell did do at the end. The author could have explained more about what was happening. 

During this we get introduced to Nell’s best friend Felix, who by the way I love. The author hints at something more than just best friends, but doesn't go any further into that like she could have. 

Though I have a lot of issues with this I really did enjoy it. It showed the bond two sisters can have and how the younger one can adore the older one so much. Not only that, but how just one thing can cause them to become not as close. It was heartbreaking how Nell was writing everything. I enjoyed how there were quotes that popped up in their conversations or when Nell was just reminiscing. 

Felix was the sweet boy who was the comic relief and I just loved him. The relationship between Nell and Felix I just loved. They were so cute. You could just tell that they would eventually become more than just best friends because they had such chemistry. It was cute. I wish there was more of ending and things got explained instead of it just ending abruptly. Still a good read to me.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”-Layla

Overall, I gave the book 4/5 stars.


Jennifer Blake on January 19, 2015 at 9:50 PM said...

I read this book also and I still need to write my review. I liked the book but not necessarily how it was written.

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