Monday, January 27, 2014

Mini Review Monday[1] Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 7:25 PM
I decided that I needed to try to get some things going on my blog. I have such sporadic posts and I hate that. So from now on, every Monday, there will be Mini Review Monday. This will be where I write a quick, to the point, review of a book that has been out for a while. I have noticed that if you have a blog a review whatever books you read then you normally don't get much recognition. I don't really need recognition but I would like to provide my followers with more up to date reviews of NEWER books. But I will still be reading the books that I own and I still want to review them so Mini Review Monday is the perfect idea for this. I still get to review everything I read but I won't be boring my followers with old book reviews. Plus, as a little side note, everything will be mini... So, without further ado, here is the first installment.

Girl of Nightmares(bk 2)
Kendare Blake

I liked this book just as much as I liked Anna Dressed in Blood, if not more. Girl of Nightmares has a lot more action and emotions. I am happy to say that this book did not suffer from second book syndrome.

Caramel was a little bitchy. Thomas was his usual loyal self. Cas was the only one who really went through a huge chance. He was depressed and barely living.

Meeting Jestine kind of threw the book into an entirely different path. I did and didn't like her. She was a little too full of herself.

Kendare Blake did a fabulous job with this book. Her world and character building skills are amazing.

The ending was so sad but it was definitely the right thing for Cas to do.

Overall, I gave the book 4/5 Mini Kitties.



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