Thursday, January 9, 2014

REVIEW: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 2:27 PM
Title: Anna Dressed in Blood
Author: Kendare Blake
Format: Paperback
Source: Bought
Publisher: TOR Teen

REVIEW: I love ghost books. I never knew this fact until this year. Ever since, I've been reading all the YA ghost books I have been able to get my hands on. I have yet to find one that I didn't like and Anna Dressed in Blood continues on with that trend.

Normally I am a SUCKER for Paranormal Romance or, really, any romance in any of the books I read. In fact, I don't normally read ANY books unless there is a form of romance. And most of the ghost books I have read have been about some twisted form of ethereal romance. I'm not saying there wasn't and romance AT ALL in this books but it was kept to the bare minimum yet I continued to read.

The world building was very vivid and believable. I wish I could have been standing near the waterfall in the beginning.

The main character has such a strong, strange name. Thesues Cassio, but we come to know him as Cas.

WHOA! This just hit me. I loathe books that are told in the male perspective... But I loved this book. What have you done to me Kendare Blake!?

Anyways, back to the review.

This book is really sad, scary and emotional. There are a lot of deaths. A lot of relationships formed. But, most of all, a lot of love lost. I don't think I have ever read a book with so many murders and I am not complaining one bit.

I love Cas's mom. She is so sweet and extremely motherly regardless of her witch status. I wish I could have got to know his dad a little bit more so I could have seen what brought the two of them together.

Thomas and Caramel really have some inner crap to work out. They will probably end up together but who knows, aside from the author that is. Caramel is a feisty, smart, beautiful character. I don't like her Prom Queen status at first but she turned out to be very useful. Thomas was creepy at first but he ends p being the best friend a guy could have. He is still pretty creepy though.

Anna. Oh boy, Anna. She was insane! I loved both parts of her. Even though she was a ghost I still almost cried when she sacrificed herself for everyone. She was set free only to be taken again. I still want to know why she was immune to Cas.

The Obeahman was creepy as hell! He was definitely no mouse or raccoon. After all is said and done though, I wonder if Cas feels like her avenged his fathers death or if he just feels like he's completely lost the one girl he ever loved.

I felt no sympathy for Mike, Will or Chase. Maybe I'm cold hearted? Meh! I did, however, feel a lot of sympathy for Tybalt.

The sheer amount of voodoo, magic, wicca, etc, used in this book had to require A LOT of research. I even googled Thunder Bay to see if it was real. I don't know what else to say other that I am sorry I waited this long to read this duology.

Overall, I gave the book 4.5/5 stars.


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