Thursday, November 13, 2014

REVIEW: The Unbound by Victoria Schwab

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 11:00 AM

Title: The Unbound
Author: Victoria Schwab
Publisher: Hyperion
Publication: January 28, 2014
Cover Rating: 5/5

At first, I was rather disappointed. The book was very draggy and a lot of the information that was thrown at me seemed like stuff that really should have been introduced in the first book. In a way the book felt like a prequel AND a sequel.

We get a private school setting tossed into the mix which adds a bunch of new faces. I love private school type books but for some reason I wasn't too thrilled with that in this book.

Mac was the same girl, she was just a lot more screwed in the head. She was having nightmares, not sleeping and hurting herself because of her nightmares. It got pretty intense. 

When Mac hurt herself and was put under observation and send to a counselor I was  a little upset. She couldn't tell anyone the truth and every believed she has tried to hurt herself. Which I don't see how her parents could even think she would do that after what happened to Ben. They really should have known Mac a little bit better than that. 

After the "self harm" episode Mac's mother does something NO mother should ever do and I didn't like her for the rest of the book. It did lead to Wesley sleeping in Mac's room though. So that was pretty cool.

Questions that keeps coming to mind when I think about this series are about the noises the people from The Archive hear when someone touches them. The main question is, do peoples sounds change as they grow up? Wesley is all rock music and such and I don't think his noise was that when he was a kid. So is the noise something that grows with the person? I think it is, personally. Like all the things each person goes through, the things they like and so on are what compile the sounds for their noise.

I can't believe Owen!!! Oh, my, God! Mac wasn't insane. 

ALL of the action and good stuff happens at the end of the book. Which I DON'T LIKE. Death, destruction, insanity, love, etc. Everything is throw into the end of the book like one big fireworks show going off at once. Haha, fireworks, get it? You will if you read the book.

I am not saying the book was bad. It just didn't live up to my love for the first book. 

I know there is going to be a second book BECAUSE we never found out Wesley's real name. That is going to drive me bonkers. I also wonder if Wesley knows about the kiss with Cash. Hmmm. So many things to ponder. 

Overall, I gave the book 4/5 kitties.


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