Sunday, November 10, 2013

REVIEW: Alive by Megan D. Martin

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 9:42 PM
Title: Alive (Crave #1)
Author: Megan D. Martin
Format: ebook ARC
Source: Author
Publisher: Self


Umm... Wow? I'm still not completely sure how I am going to word this review so I hope it comes out good.

This book was awesome. It is New Adult + Zombies. It is a younger, sexier version of The Walking Dead.

Eve is an amazing character both in the before and now. She chose her own path in life regardless of how her horrible parents raised her. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about her sister, Olive.

Eve is extremely brave and she doesn't want anyone thinking they can boss her around. She makes it through so many hardships on her own that its hard to believe she came out of everything without being more damaged. She has a lot of trust issues but those are definitely expected and not without warrant.

Gage is.... my feelings towards Gage range from awe to rage. He has so much anger and he has no real reason for it. He hurt Eve and he acts like she has no reason to hate him.

I highly dislike Olive. She is weak both in mind and physically. She lets a man have his way with her whenever he wants and she enjoys it. Eve has killed for less.

Going back and forth between Eve/Gage, Olive and The Before was very informative.

Once Eve and Gage got to Eden I felt like something bad would happen and it did. I was sooo hoping that Sally had been one of the first to become a Jenk/Gurgh.

I am so glad that the book ended the way it did. Eve needed to forgive Gage and just move on.

The author definitely has a way of keeping her readers wanting more. I read most of the book, 80%, in about 3 hours. I just kept going to the next page and by the time I was done I realized I had finished the entire book and found myself wishing I had the second book.

I am not big on New Adult or anything that goes outside of the YA genre but this book has be wondering if I should explore more.

I highly recommend this book to the lovers of zombies and have a weak spot for a good love story where the girl who was wronged gets what she wants in the end.

Overall, I gave the book 4.5/5 Kitties.

I asked the author if I could review her book and she kindly sent me an ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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