Monday, January 22, 2018

REVIEW: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black - 4.5 stars

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 9:00 AM
Title: The Cruel Prince
Genre: YA Fantasy/Fae
Author: Holly Black
Publisher: Little, Brown
Publication: January 2nd 2018
Cover Rating: 5/5
Reading format: Owned Hardcover

The Cruel Prince is a wonderfully morbid and cruel story based around Jude's life as the "daughter" of a fae military leader. We get to see how horribly Jude is treated because she is human but we also know that she is living with the man who murdered her parents so her life can't be easy.

Jude was a wonderful character. She did not take crap from anyone, even if it meant getting herself or her sister bullied, badly. And she does get bullied badly. She goes to school with the youngest Prince of the High Court of Faerie and he is a very nasty person. Well, he isn't THAT bad, but his followers are disturbingly evil and most of that evil is reflected on to Jude.

While he book focuses a lot on how cruelly Jude is treated, there is also some heavy politics going on in the High Court of Faerie. The current king is looking to step down and wants to pass his crown off to one of his worthy sons. The king picks a certain son and the other son isn't so happy about that so a lot of stuff goes down and that is pretty much where the pulp of the story lies. Jude is hired to be a spy for someone and this gig might just land her where she truly wants to be; as a member of the high society. 

Through Jude's spy gig we get to see a lot of behind the scenes politics and learn a lot of secrets that shouldn't be known. Once all of the political stuff goes down, Jude concocts a plan to put the crown on someone else's head after she finds out the true parentage or someone close to her. There is so much chaos and political mayhem and backstabbing going on in this book that it was hard to not enjoy it.

In the end, I really loved this book and I can't wait for the next one. If you are like me and you've never read a Holly Black book but are wanting to then I highly suggest starting with this book. I now want to read her other books that I own and see if I like them just as much.

Overall, I gave the book 4.5/5 stars.


Jovita @ Inky Impressions on January 26, 2018 at 12:14 AM said...

This book has been everywhere, happy to see that you liked it. I was holding off on getting it, but I'm sure I'll be adding it soon.

HelloJennyReviews on January 26, 2018 at 12:41 PM said...

I thought it was going to be another over hyped crappy book but it was really good. My first Holly Black book but now I want to try more

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