Sunday, September 1, 2013

I AM BACK!!! Bout of Books 8.0 Wrap-up

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 1:40 PM
Alright guys, I am back. Well, technically, I've been back for a week but my brain was still on vacation. I have two hauls I need to show you guys. The first one will be my vacation haul which includes books and souvenirs and the second haul will be the books I've gotten this past weekend. I still need to upload 3 videos for my vacation haul so I will just be posting pictures for the time being and I also am going to a store tomorrow so my book haul for this weekend wont be shot and uploaded until probably Monday night or sometime Tuesday.

For the bout of books situation... I read 2 books.I was on vacation during the time but I did say I would try. I started like 5 different books as well so now that my brain is finally back to the real world I think my September wrap-up will be pretty big.

The books I read were Hunger Games and Catching Fire. They were both reread for the upcoming release of Catching fire in November. I started City of Bones, My Life Next Door and The Vespertine but I was too busy relaxing to really care too much to read. I am almost done City of Bones finally.


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