Sunday, October 20, 2013

Take My Breath Away (1) October

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 9:10 PM
Here is it guys! The long awaited project I've been working on. This would have been up yesterday but I got a bout of food poisoning.

Basically the project is simple. While reading your YA books there is almost always a certain sentence in each book. The words might be shifted around or changed up a bit but each sentence has the same meaning. The sentence in question is "I release the breath I didn't know I was holding." This was first brought to my attention by a fellow booktuber and I thought it would be fun to test this theory. So once a month I will be posting a "Take My Breath Away" post with any and all quotes I find during my month of reading. This post will consist of the few I have found while planning this "event." Please feel free to take part and use this on your own blog. I would appreciate credit for being the creator of it but that is all.

"Clary let out a breath she hadn't realized she's been holding." City of Bones - Pg 88

"Dan let out his breath, not even away he'd been holding it." Asylum - Pg 173

"I released the breath I hadn't realized I was holding..." Easy - Pg 78

I have found A LOT more but I either forgot to mark them or I read them before I decided to do this project. I hope you guys like this. Thanks for reading!


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