Title: Signed, Skye Harper
Author: Carol Lynch Williams
Format: ARC Paperback
Source: Publicist/Author
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Love is a very strong word. I feel a lot of love towards this book and a lot of love happened throughout the book as well.
Winston isn't your average teenage girl. She has a good head on her shoulders and she knows what she wants. And what she wants are pretty simple requests. She wants to swim. She wants Steve to notice her. And she wants her mother to come home with her. Sadly, only two of these things happen in the book.
The love Steve started feeling for Winston seemed a little forced at first but after getting to know Nanny and her story about Leon, Steve's father, things started to make sense. Maybe Steve was always meant to be with Winston.
I like the name Winston and I enjoyed the teasing from Steve. Whether she was Winston, named after the cigarettes or Winston Churchill, named so by Steve, she was an amazing character.
I believe going to get Winston's momma was one of the best things that could have happened to the small family. Sure there was heart break but in the end I think everyone ended up in a good place that fit them perfectly.
I swear, I had a different image of what was going to happen in the end. I thought Steve was going to go back to school and ignore Winston. That is normally how cute summer romance type books end. But I was wrong! I also really loved the entire innocence of the book. Everything was so cute and refreshing. It was intense or dirty. It was just cute.
This book is written in a way that makes it a very quick read. It is told in 183 very short chapters. I found myself putting off things I had to do and saying just a few more pages. I haven't read a book in a while that I couldn't put down so Signed, Skye Harper has broken that chain.
I would recommend Carol Lynch Williams's books to anyone, really. She has such a diverse writing ability and I think everyone would enjoy it.
Overall, I gave the book 4.5/5 Kitties.
*DISCLAIMER: I was sent this book is exchange for an honest review.*
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