Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Review Slumber by Tamara Blake

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 7:42 PM
Title: Slumber
Author: Tamara Blake
Format: ARC eBook
Source: NetGalley
Publisher: Diversion Books
Publication Date: July 16 2013


This book confused the heck out of me. I feel as though I should have been on some form of drugs before reading the book. But that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I have just never read such a creepy, weird book like this before. The faeries definitely aren't what they are normally portrayed as. They are murderous, vengeful and like to use human as sex/play toys. This book definitely isn't for the faint of heart or anyone who shy's away from cursing. The cursing isn't overdone but the words that are used are on the strong end.

The main character, Ruby, is a very strong willed person and I like that a lot about her. She would do anything in her power to save her mother and make sure her sister is safe. I like the strong sense of family pride and awareness. Most of everything now-a-days, whether it be books or real life, don't really have a strong sense of family at all.

The character of Tam confuses me and angers me at the same time. With the way his personalty changes throughout the book it makes me wonder if the faeries themselves can be affected by Slumber. Tam is supposed to be considered the proverbial "Knight in Shining Armor" but Ruby could have used a better knight.

Violet is a sick and twisted harlot. She has half naked humans on leashes. She enjoys torturing people and she definitely wants Tam all to herself. Violet most definitely makes the perfect villain in this book.

Ruby's young sister, Shelley, is an adorable, everyday type of little sister. She seems totally unaffected by anything that is going on around her. I still would like to know how Violet got Shelley into Cottingley Heights and why Shelley wasn't more upset than she was about being locked away in a room in a strange house.

Overall, I have a lot of unanswered questions and I am thinking there might be a sequel with how the book ended. But I definitely wasn't expecting that ending. And I really want to know what happened to Tam.

I give the book 4/5 kitties.


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