Monday, April 27, 2020

Weekly Wrap-Up + Mini Reviews #6

Posted by HelloJennyReviews at 12:00 PM
Today, we are wrapping up for 4/20-4/46(my birthday!). This week was definitely not as good as last week but I still managed to read 8 things, 4 being novels and 4 being graphic novels.

Date Read: 4/20
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
These little skits are so entertaining. I love the relationship dynamics between all the organs. The brain is always trying to make the heart think rationally and the heart is always trying to get the brain to live a little. There is a lot of junk food and even more coffee and all along the different organs share their opinions on everything.

Date Read: 4/20
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Same as above. I need to somehow get my hands on the first set of these comics. Sadly, my library only has these 2. If you like witty, cute and funny little comics then give these a try.

Date Read: 4/21
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Oh man, this graphic novel was so good but SOOO long. almost 500 pages. I downloaded this and a few others from Edelweiss thinking, sure let's pad my Goodreads goal with a few little graphic novels. Nope, very wrong. All 3 of the graphic novels I downloaded were over 300 pages. So, I felt like I read an actual full length book with this one. I really loved hard dark it was yet still slightly innocent. There were some typos but I'm hoping they get caught and cleared up in the final printing.

Date Read: 4/21
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I both liked and disliked this book. It gave us a lot of side information like how Magnus and Alec became parents, which was really awesome, but I just didn't really enjoy the students, aside from Simon but even he was kind of iffy for me in this book. He was very sulky and WHOA IS ME. 

Date Read: 4/22
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I decided to pick this up in the middle of reading Lady Midnight because 1) I left Lady Midnight in my car and was too lazy to go get it and 2) I feel like I burnt myself out on the Shadowhunters books since I have been rereading them ALL since February. This was a really quick read and not exactly what I was expecting from the cover. It is an adult Mystery/Thriller with a lot of family drama.

Date Read: 4/22
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
This was a reread for me, number 3 actually, so not much to say. This is my 2nd favorite series inside the Shadowhunter world.

Date Read: 4/23
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
This was my least favorite read this week. Some of the ideas/comics were pretty straight forward and beautifully done and I could connect with them while others I had to struggle to even remotely understand.

Date Read: 4/26
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
I decided to celebrate my birthday by rereading a review copy that I was slightly depressed when I read it the first time so I didn't make any notes. Demetra Brodsky is definitely becoming one of my favorite authors. I can always count on her to give me a twisty story with a lot of emotion beautifully written characters. This book comes out May 5th so be sure to pick it up!!


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