Title: Doctor Who Series 1: Winter's Dawn, Season's End
Author: Tony Lee, Matthew Dow Smith, Al Davison, Blair Shedd, and Kelly Yates
Format: eBook Graphic Novel
Source: NetGalley
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors
REVIEW: I received this as an ARC from NetGalley.
I am not a big Doctor Who fan but I wanted to read this and give it a try. I don't really enjoy Graphic Novels either. So this was my first real Graphic Novel and my first Doctor Who experience.
I actually enjoyed it. I did struggle at some parts because I got confused with the pictures and stuff but that's because I'm new at all of this.
I loved the pictures and the characters and the plot line. It was definitely entertaining and very intriguing I can definitely see why so many people are such huge Doctor Who fans. I'm not sure what else to say other than if you like Doctor Who you should definitely buy this!
Overall, I gave the book 5/5 kitties because it was just that awesome. I might be a Doctor Who fan now.
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